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Tips for travelling during a pandemic

Updated: Jan 30, 2022

We have continued to travel through the pandemic as a family, safely and sufficiently, follow our guide prior to travel ramping up for Christmas and New Year.

What are Airports Like During COVID?

If you haven’t flown in the last 18 months I understand that flying during the pandemic might feel daunting. However if you are taking precautions I don't believe it is as unsafe as visiting your local supermarket. You will see that the airport largely mirrors the rest of the world. There’s plexiglass at check-in, there are social distancing stickers, and everyone is wearing masks. All UK airports will be largely normal, except that the agents are wearing gloves – for their safety, not yours. They’re touching everyone’s bags with the same gloves. Given that many people are still not comfortable flying you will notice the airport a lot less hectic than usual, the majority of shops/restaurants are operating but you mind find some are still closed so if flying with children and young children id advise packing extra baby milk/snacks etc.

What is Flying Like During COVID?

Every airline is different. Qatar are still blocking middle seats but American and United are not. United is cracking down on people keeping their masks off too long to eat and drink, but the others haven’t announced a similar policy. Regardless of who you’re flying, you’ll find that the plane is cleaner (hopefully) than you’re used to and you’ll be required to keep your mask on the entire flight.

Bring Hand Sanitizer and Wipes

When we have flown with emirates, jet2 and Ryanair during the pandemic they have all allowed us/passengers to go through security with 12oz of hand sanitizer, so well above their normal 3.4oz limit for liquids. Why you would need more than a small bottle for a normal trip I have no idea, but if you want to take a large bottle of hand sanitizer, go for it. I’d also take wipes so you can wipe down any surfaces in the airport or plane that you’re touching. Optional are gloves and a face shield – bring them if they make you feel safer. Wiping down seats, desks and surrounding areas when flying I would absolutely recommend cleaning surfaces (especially flying with a toddler)

Bring Your Own Water Bottle and Food

Don’t assume that you can find food at the airport. I saw a photo recently of over 100 people in line for Starbucks at the Salt Lake City airport because it was the only place open early in the morning. So have coffee and a meal at home (or at your hotel) before going to the airport and don’t eat at all during your journey, or bring your own food. And just like pre-COVID, bring an empty water bottle and fill it up past security.

Be Aware that Flights are Leaving Early

With fewer flights, there are far fewer take-off or landing delays due to congestion. That means planes are getting to their gates earlier and are getting cleaned earlier, so flights can board and take off faster. I’ve heard multiple reports of flights leaving early. If you’re used to getting to the airport half an hour before the flight, hitting the restroom and then boarding right before they close the doors, you may want to rethink that.

Avoid the Middle Seat

If you can avoid the middle seat, do. The air on airplanes is exceptionally clean, constantly coming in from the outside and being filtered, but you still don’t want two people breathing a foot away from you.

Fly Up Front

I’ve heard varying things about upgrade availability – some have found it easier to get upgraded, since no one is flying for business right now, but I’ve also heard the opposite – that with far fewer flights, and with some Biz seats blocked for crew, there aren’t as many upgrades to be had. It could depend on the airline, but if you’re able to get a Biz ticket using a reasonable amount of frequent flier miles, go for it.

Turn On Your Air Vent

With more air flowing around you, it’s even less likely that any sort of airborne virus could hang around long enough for you to breathe it in. If you typically get cold on planes, bring a jacket or sweatshirt to counterbalance the air.

Be Nice!

If you find yourself frustrated by elements of flying right now, please don’t take it out on any airline personnel. Pilots and flight attendants are either flying more than ever or they’re worried about layoffs, or both. And whereas you can bring food for your one or two flights, every day airline personnel have to eat in the airport and deal with restaurant closures and long lines at the places that are open, or they’re forced to get meals from convenience stores by their hotels – not fun. Be nice to them, and don’t hassle anyone about mask regulations. They’re just trying to keep you safe and keep their jobs.

Feel Comfortable Traveling Right Now

And lastly, feel confident in traveling right now. It’s safer to be on a plane with clean air than to be hanging out in your kitchen having drinks with friends and family. As long as you follow the above steps your risk factors are alot lower than in other scenarios. When travelling with children ensure you have snacks, a filled device (should you not have access to inflight entertainment) and a change of clothes fo your littles/extra blanket.

Please do follow us for further information in relation to travelling consciously with children on instagram

All our love, Team Soulful Society x


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