This has been something i have said to myself for just over a year, probably mid pandemic feeling trapped with so many of what we took for granted, taken away from us. With no warning whats so ever. Travel i appreciate is a luxury, is something deemed as 'lucky' which i understand the foundation of that remark however travel for me is my life, every dream, aspiration or vision i have involves travel and always has done.

Four years ago when we returned back from our six month trip with Rocco before he started school, we decided to 'settle' even typing the word now i can feel the resistance. Settling for me and Robert looked like buying a house, me going back to university, having a second baby and buying that house with a garden. This is exactly what we did, and this is exactly what we have escaped.
Making the decision to pack up our house of two years to rent it out and go travelling full time was the hardest part, however once that decision was made (which in-fact since i have decided that decisions are actually illusions) it has been one of the most freeing, beautiful and fulfilling things we have ever done or achieved and not once have we looked back and missed what we had within that house, as we have it in my mother in laws, because what that feeling is, is being together, going to bed at night together, laughing together (albeit there is a lot of tears, tantrums and breakdowns from both me and our wild one) we are together, and that's where our home is.
We are conditioned to follow in the footsteps of parents, friends and our community. Following the steps of those that seemed like they had their sh*t together, which i am the first to admit has been assumptions based on exterior items, whether that be where someone lives, the car they drive, the position within the company they work for, how long they have been trading for (you get my drift) when really all that means absolutely nothing, truly realising that has been in this very week, i think truly embodying this is when the penny really drops, when the penny truly drops and you realise, hey this is it, this is when life begins.
The reason i write this edition to our blog is because if i didnt adopt this motto in life, i would not of achieved half as much as i have internally and on an exterior perspective. Life is about taking risks and truly throwing yourself at every opportunity. How do you know if you want to throw yourself at that opportunity? With an oversaturated Instagram feed making you question if your Iphone 24 can hear your thoughts, probably (but thats another story) my advise is -
Ask yourself - If not now than when? Ask yourself again - If not now then when?
The answer - The answer is in the feeling, the answer is the feeling you are presented with in your body, it might be in your chest, stomach, hands or even a feeling of heaviness across your shoulders. Feel it, as its your body that has the answers. Not our mind, staying in our mind is what keeps us stuck, the mind is to complex a back office to comprehend what you truly feel and want. Practising this takes time, effort and consistency but when you become in tune with your body you will continue to grow and develop an even deeper understanding of what you want.
I appreciate not everyones dream is travelling but everyones dream has to start somewhere to become a reality, for years I have used a certain formula that has allowed each dream to come to life, please do contact us either by email on or by direct messenger on instagram to obtain your DREAM MAKER.
Thank you for reading, you won't want to miss next weeks edition.
The Soulful Society x