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Flying with babies long haul, is it worth it?

OUR FIRST blog post on travelling with children long haul, this blog post is to encourage parents who are considering flying long haul but don’t know if they can possibly brave it, well I’am here to tell you that you absolutely can.

I will provide below details of the products we use when flying with the boys as well as tips and tricks I have found over the last eight years, that actually really work.

As we arrived at Edinburgh airport to check in for our long haul flight with Qatar airlines the excitement, slight worry if the flight would go well began creeping in. The pressure of flying with children can feel daunting, most of the time these thoughts begin should one of the kids have a melt down, worrying that we would be judged as having ‘miss behaved kids’.

Since having my second little guy Byron although these thoughts do cross my mind I’am much more aware that regardless of your age, social class, culture or religion, if you have children then you’ve also been that mum that looks like she’s been dragged through a bush backwards, or Dad that looks like he needs a stiff drink before departure.

Arriving with this mindset and being aware of this defiantly helps. We are on the forth flight of our trip and I truly believe being calm, chilled and adapting situations as they arise really helps your little ones feel at ease too, getting stressed finding the gate isnt helpful for you or for them! Easier said than done I know but I can categorlicly say THIS is the best mindset to be in when flying.

Okay, now mindset is covered, lets get onto tips, tricks and the best products I recommend for flying with children and toddlers.


First and foremost, the stroller.

Having a stroller that you are able to take on the aircraft is a game changer. Its common to arrive in a stop over airport or arrive at any airport for that matter & have a bit of a walk to collect cases or transiting through for your next destination. Having a stroller that firsts in the overhead has been a godsend for us.

The stroller we have tried and tested is the City Jogger 2, the pram is foldable and is erected with one hand, another huge positive when you have your hands full. The pram comes with an airbag and doesn’t break the bank like alot of aircraft compatible strollers. I will link the exact stroller below :

Second on the list, a tablet or iPad.

Appreciate this isn’t everyones go to and I also do try to be aware of my kids screen time but its a saving grace with a toddler/older kids during the flight. Prior to departure we download a series of films the kids love or would enjoy and allow them to use their screens throughout the flight. We also pack battery banks and ear-phones. Should your little one be a little apprehensive with flying this is a cool way to distract.

Third up, a familiar travel pillow/bed pillow or blanket.

It will probably be obvious but having a pillow and blanket for your kids to sleep on or with we have found really comforting for our kids. A good place to store the blanket and pillow is the pram bag, this isn’t usually weighed and provides good extra storage.

Number four, a strong contender, packing cubes.

Packing cubes. I have only just discovered these but they have been really useful to access the things you need quickly when flying. In each packing cube I categorise each of the contents, so for example, one with snacks, one with a change of clothes, one with medicine/plasters etc, one with a few books/games and playdoo. Playdoo is a winner for kids on the plane, trust me.

Last but not least, plane presents.

Last but not least plane presents, I will list the top things we have found when flying with your toddler to 8 year old.

Playdoh - I know this sounds like a wild one but believe me its a winner.

Sticker books - Especially for toddlers this is a cool way to pass time, can't say the flight attendants love it but if they have children they'll definitely understand it.

Colouring pens/books - This is an obvious one but really has helped us on the long haul plane journeys.

Netflix - Download prior in their iPads/tablets and download (for free) some of their favourite programs and films, this is useful flying with budget airlines when TV's aren't available.

Travel Journals - We have always used a travel journey for Rocco and plan to do the same with Byron, for example we will discuss the country we are visitings flag, population, what it is famous for, most common animal etc. A cool way of learning and world schooling.

Mini games - Mini Connect four/Guess Who are always winners for us (you can usually pick these up pretty cheap in Smyths.


Thank you for reading, means the world x


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